Surgery is the easy part (just forget the freaking out beforehand) you get a date, prepare for that date, arrive and get quizzed by the admitting nurse, have your surgeon arrow and sign "the body part", wait half a day and then finally they come and whisk you away. The anaesthetist puts as many holes in you as it takes to get the IV in and the final "what side are we operating on" gets asked and then, only then do you start to feel like its really going to happen. But its easy really, you get "put under" they slice you open, chop your bone, dislocate your hip, have fun monkeying about in there “fixing” things and then when they are done screw you back together and sew you back up. All the while you know nothing till you gain consciousness and then the surgery is all over, piece of cake – who am I kidding, this is when all the hard work starts! I don’t remember being in recovery, I was there a good few hours and so was my Mum! She had spent the whole day at the hospital with me leaving the rest of my family to fend for themselves and when I was in recovery the nurses got her to be with me. I had a bit of a hard time, was really sick and they had trouble getting my pain under control because I’m allergic to NSAID’s-oh the joys. My Mum informed me that I didn’t say anything random (in fact I didn’t say much at all) but several of the people who came and went while I was there were “interesting” hmm…
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