An entry on a friends blog reminded me that I have so much to be thankful for, its easy sometimes to focus on distractions and the things that create difficulties and forget how good life really is.
So I thought I would remind myself just how much I do have to be thankful for.
I have a good home and family, my parents are always making sure I never go without anything I need and make sure I even have enough to get a few things I want too. My Mum takes me to all my appointments and believe me, that takes a lot out of her day sometimes, without her I would struggle a whole lot more. My Dad got me a flight back to uni so I don't have to be tired out by a 6 hour bus ride, how great is that?
For all my wonderful loving friends who make me happy, give me encouragement and believe in me when I need reminding, they understand what I am going through and keep me means so much to have you all looking after me, I can never say thank you enough.
For all the health care people who do more than their job to find you the health care you really need, without them I don't know where I would be right now. I have my special physio's and podiatrist especially to thank, they always make time to listen to my concerns and have helped me get other professionals to as well.
For the new doctor and his lovely physio who are helping me get a handle on crps. Its amazing how a little confidence in your doctor makes you feel.
For being given good brains, even after several head injuries they still work although not quite as well!
For being able to rest quietly at home these holidays, for warm enough weather to ride my bicycle, for being able to go swimming. For the new shoes I can actually wear my Mum just bought for me despite me giving up and complaining to go home a million times.
For the prospect of physio school to go back to, knowing that I survived the first semester without totally failing (well at least I don't think I did...).
For discovering that the old me is still in here somewhere, just mixed in with the new me and maybe thats the best of everything ; )
I'm sure their are a million other things I am thankful for too but just now I cant remember is sure full of so many good things, how could I let anything make me forget-even for a minute?
Thank you Maria
5 weeks ago
Awwww, you are so welcome! It sounds like you have so much good in your life :-) You deserve all of it.
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