I'm coming to the end of my 3 week semester break and although I am semi-excited about going back (I just love physio school), at the same time I am totally overwhelmed about what I am going to have to do to get through the rest of the year.
During my break my routine has completely gone out the window, doesn't help that my brother lets the radio play at 4.20am so I cant get back to sleep lol. I have got back into doing some more physical things again, thanks to Jess I have been swimming 3 times and have even been for a few bike rides on the warmer days. I haven't done much proper study lthough I have done some and also some other more 'interest' readings.
I have had some fun too, getting to go dancing and they even had our winter dance party so I could go. Last weekend we had a cranium games night and I think everybody throughly enjoyed themselves, lots of rolling around on the floor at varying points during the evening! Jess even managed to make me choke while drinking, twice!
I have also had a few appointments to take up my time, the most important part of this break, along with the relaxing I got to do. My life has turned around so much during the last 3 weeks, I not only have a diagnosis, I have a doctor, a physio and a treatment plan. No longer do I sit worrying about how the rest of my life is going to turn out-now I have a plan and feel positive about my dreams turning into reality. Life is starting to look rosy again and I am starting to get my happy, cherry self back. I'm hoping that this will help me cope with the forthcoming semester and all the obstacles that come with it-wish me luck!
5 weeks ago
Good luck, sweet love! It may be a hard road, but it is so worth it. Take every difficulty as not an obstacle but a chance to learn and grow. With that frame of mind, there is no failure.
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