I was going to head this up with "Just shoot me now" but then thought that was a bit severe and since I brought this on myself I have no-one else to blame.
I must not forget to plug in my battery charger
I must not forget to plug in my battery charger
I must not forget to plug in my battery charger
I must not forget to plug in my battery charger
I must not forget to plug in my battery charger
I must not forget to plug in my battery charger...
I forgot...
...and had no battery for my TENS unit today and boy did I learn a lesson.
2 days ago, I was going (carefully) down the stairs after our lectures. The stairs are a dark red colour and the stairwells are dimly lit. I happened to think that I had come to the landing when in fact their was still another stair to go. Luckily I was holding on to the rail and had a friend on the other side just ahead of me to catch me when I fell.
The bad news is I still fell, just didn't fall over but I jarred my foot-I consider rather badly.
Apart from me shaking so badly from the shock, my poor foot is not happy. I haven't been able to walk properly the last few days and after todays mammoth efforts in the walking department I have broken down. The shower water was unbearable, my sock is unbearable, I couldn't concentrate in my anatomy lab and its too cold and so I have to put something on it to try and keep it warm. Moving is now unbearable but keeping still is just as bad.
I have been beaten by pain and I have cried.
Now I have told myself off, tears are futile, they do not take away pain, nor are they beneficial in any other matter-what a pity.
I must be more careful and not fall down stairs
I must be more careful and not fall down stairs
I must be more careful and not fall down stairs
I must be more careful and not fall down stairs
I must be more careful and not fall down stairs
I must be more careful and not fall down stairs...
5 weeks ago
I'm so sorry you are in pain. It seems as if you have flared your RSD with the fall. It will go back to normal, it just takes time :-( I wish I could take some of the load off for you. And, tears are of course beneficial! They are a great way to express your emotions and release them. Now, if you are crying 24/7 for days on end, that is another story. Cry if you have to. Never stifle that.
Hi, love bug! I would love to chat with you about life, RSD, and all that come with it. Believe me, I have my sad and anxiety filled moments, too, but the good thing is they are just MOMENTS. I feel that sadness and then I move on.
I hope you are doing well!
NO MORE STAIRS! Stairs=bad!
:-) Hope you're feeling better, don't forget to recharge your batteries!
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