because right now everything is so overwhelming that its taking all I've got to keep myself together.
I have not done enough study to get me through the next week of practical, oral and written exams and I do not feel I deserve to pass.
I have studied and practiced but not as much as I wanted to and certainly not as much as I should have. I am still dealing with this horrible tummy pain and nausea that is affecting almost everything. Dear God I need a miracle...
5 weeks ago
Felicia, I had been wondering how things were going and was just about to email you. I'm SO sorry to hear that things are so tough for you right now sweetie ((hugs))!
Please don't feel as though you don't deserve to pass your exams because you DO !!! To deal with all that you do on a daily basis AND still go to Uni is amazing and that alone deserves a lot of credit! I honestly don't know how you cope with uni full time - you're an inspiration to me and many others, i'm sure!!!
I'm sorry to hear that you are still have the horrible tummy pain! If it gets any worse or doesn't improve, please go to the hospital! I know you dont want to but you don't deserve to be dealing with all of this ((hugs))!!
I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hope that things start getting better for you real soon and that you pass your exams because you deserve to no matter what you say and believe!!
You're incrediable and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!
Take care sweetie. I'm here if you ever need to talk!
Love and hugs,
With what you are doing you absolutely deserve to pass- don't doubt what you can do...
What you are doing takes so much strength and so much more than everyone else...
I hope this week goes much better than you anticipated! The best of luck on your exams... YOU CAN DO IT!
Don't stop believing in yourself...
You can do this....
Stay Strong....
I love you...
I'm only as far as the phone.
Remember, its the exam crazies that make you doubt yourself...
YOU KNOW this stuff,
Just pray, chill and DON'T stress, I have faith in you, even if you don't....
Hell, if I can get a degree out of Otago, anyone can!!!
God bless
Call you later
Love you
Well, what can I say that hasn't already been said here and well at that?!
They've echoed my words, your other readers and loyal supporters! You DO deserve to pass and more! You're going to be an amazing PT - wish you were mine! - and will help SO many people... the world needs you!
And YES, if you're not still well at the time of writing this, please go to emergency; it's not fun of course, but you NEED to look after your own health first and foremost.
You CAN DO IT! You ARE doing it! I see you!!! :D
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