This is a bit of a different questionnaire that Alison tagged me with so I thought I would play the game :)
What is your current obsession?
I wouldn't say that I am obsessed with anything as such...but being in control would have to be my 'obsession' I think.
Starbucks or Peets?
I'm not sure what Peet's is either so I say Starbucks. They are pretty expensive so quite a treat but they do make nice hot/iced chocolates (what I order lol).
What's for dinner?
I've just had my dinner, it was mashed potato and this lamb curry dish thing my Uncle made.
What would you eat for your last meal?
A really nice Italian pasta dish and some salad, and then a to die for chocolate cake (how fitting lol).
What was the last thing you bought?
A packet of perky nana's does the count? But the last thing I bought that wasnt food was return flights to Sydney for a week during my semester break.
What are you listening to right now?
Jon Schmidt (probably sounds weird but I love listening to piano pieces)
What is your favourite flavour ice cream?
A really good real chocolate ice cream
What do you think of the person(s) that tagged you?
She is an amazing young woman and I think that she will achieve some amazing things as she grows up!
If you could go anywhere in the World for the next hour, where would you go?
I would love to go and meet one of my overseas RSD friends, but it would be really hard to choose who to go visit...
Which language do you want to learn?
Sign language, I have been wanting to learn this for absolutely ages but have to wait till after I finish my degree because I dont have the time just now.
What is your favourite quote right now?
"Spread your wings and fly...nothing is impossible!"
What is your favourite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
I think is the amazing blue dress hiding in a bag in my wardrobe, its sky blue and has flowers and butterflies on it in beadwork, its such a pretty grown up dress and I am saving it for my graduation dinner to wear it is so special.
What is your dream job?
I want to be a Physiotherapist (Physical therapist) who works in pain management and helps others who are in the same position I have been in. I am getting closer to reaching my goal, a year and a half to go.
What is your worst habit?
I am too scared to speak my mind and instead I just sit quiet and dont say anything. There are many times I would like to just say how I'm feeling but I dont want to create a scene.
If you had £100, what would you spend it on right now?
I would keep it for my holidays that are coming up really soon, I would spend it in Sydney on some nice clothes and things to spoil myself a bit.
Do you admire anyones style?
I always liked Liv Tyler, she seemed to have depth unlike a lot of celebrities around. But I dont really follow the stars. I admire my best friend very much, she has so much confidence and because of that is exploring the world and having so much fun (I wish I was with her so we could do it together)
Describe your style?
I am pretty girly but am really lazy and mostly go around in trackpants and comfy tops and sneakers. I need comfy and sensible clothes because of what I am studying at uni.
What are you going to do after this?
Study!!!! Exams are so so close!
What are your favourite movies?
Well of course there is The Sound of Music :) and I love Finding Neverland too.
What is your favourite fruit?
Summer fruits, too many to name
What inspires you?
The people close to me who battle on showing so much courage, they inspire me to continue fighting on. S a physio at the school I study at, he reminds me why I'm doing this and that nothing can stop me achieving my goal.
Your favourite book?
I love proper childrens classics, L M Alcot (The little woman 4 books), C S Lewis (Narnia chronicles), L M Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables series) get the picture, I'm a romantic and have a vivid imagination so these types of stories make full use of it. I dont read much anymore due to my head injury and the rsd effects.
Do you collect something?
Pretty things lol, I have a coin collection and also stamps among other random things like the minature Winnie the Pooh play sets that were around a while back.
What is your favourite smell?
Just after it has rained, the air smells so clean and lovely.
What are you most proud of?
I guess I am proud of what I have got through and the fact I am still in the physio school program. Things have been tough but I am still here doing my best.
What are five beauty products you couldn't live without?
Beauty products are not really my thing but I make sure I wear my bronzing powder when on placement, otherwise I look pretty ill and I dont like being asked whether I'm ok all the time.
Cats or dogs?
A cosy night in or a night on the town?
A cosy night in :)
I'm not into tagging people so if you want to play along feel free!
here are the rules:
1. respond and rework; answer the question on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add more one question of your own.
2. tag eight other people
5 weeks ago
Darling, you are gorgeous, smart, sweet, kind, intelligent... in response to your last post. Don't treat yourself like that. You deserve much more from others and from yourself.
Fitting in is a weird thing because we all need to feel supported, but I do that in a way that I have seperate friends and not group friends. So, basically, I don't fit in either, but I don't to. Being different is fab because we have sooo much to offer people. Who wants to know 20 people who are the same? Not I!
Love yourself the way you are because it is fab!!
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