I am about to go off to the first day of a 3 day jam packed dance workshop weekend!
Today its 9am-5pm (with a less than hour break for lunch) of dance workshops, information says a sampling of European dances especially from Russia in the morning and then Bulgarian dances in the afternoon. I am both excited and nervous...I have prepared as best I can, meds, lignocaine, TENS, more meds, good shoes, snacks and I have promised myself that I wont try and pretend I am fine...if I need to sit out and just watch so be it, I will listen to my body.
We also have a party tonight (as well as tomorrows workshops, a gala dinner and then another party and then revision on Sunday morning...does that just make your head spin like mine does?), whether I actually end up going tonight is another matter, I am just staying cool, calm and collected and if I don't well thats ok as I want to be going tomorrow to the big dinner and dance party.
I am slightly nervous but people keep telling me to be positive and I'll be fine...how come being positive automatically means you will be fine? I can be positive all I like and still not get through simple tasks some days, just shows they dont understand really what this is like for me. BUT I am positive all the same, positive that I will enjoy myself to the max and have loads of fun, but I'm also positive that I wont push myself too hard to the point where I am prone to have an accident...that is the last thing I need lol!
I am prepared as much as I can be, so now I just relax and enjoy myself! Take care.
5 weeks ago
Hi Felicia,
That sounds like SO much fun and I really hope you have a great few days like you so desperately deserve!!!!
You amaze me with how you are trying not to let RSD ruin your life and i'm sure you have inspired many other people also! Your positive attitude just shows how caring and strong you are and I really hope things go well as I know this is a passion of yours that you would love to achieve ((hugs))!!
I'm thinking about you always and am glad to hear that you ARE indeed going to listen to your body ... that is one thing that you must do and is sooo important - don't push yourself if you don't feel up to it!!
Take care of yourself, have fun and please do keep us updated!! I wish you the best of luck!!
Ohh, I'm so excited to hear how it all went! I'm so inspired that you're not letting this nasty CRPS stand in your way of what you really love...
Wishing you all the best of everything. :)
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