Hello! My name is stupid…
Ok so I may not be the brightest cookie…
Running out of meds was NOT my brightest idea…
Gee I guess if I was wondering whether the tramadol was helping or not I have got my answer, I want some now, I cant sit still due to the horrid crawly, intense ‘I cant sit still’ sensation of nerve pain.
I tried my TENS, mirroring, trying to sleep was a nightmare, I couldn’t even lay still but eventually I cried myself to sleep. Yes, I am ashamed to say I cried a lot of tears…mostly of frustration and telling myself off for getting into this position, but also in pain. This is where having a room of your own is most important, you can cry as much as you want and everyone thinks you have just gone to bed!
I have a 40 min drive ahead of me to get to physio and right now I am wondering how I am going to sit still for the drive, I sure wont be doing this to myself again in a hurry-guess I have learnt my lesson good!
Just to explain a bit, I only got given a 2 month rx for tramadol as it was a newly introduced med, then we made a follow up appointment-just didn’t realise it was 2 months 3 DAYS after the last one…so thus I ran out 3 days before my appointment. I did work this out last week but silly me thought that I would be able to handle 3 days without and didn’t want to bother the dr beforehand…I’m thinking I didn’t put much thought into that lol.
Oh well, you live and learn-sometimes more painfully lol!
5 weeks ago
That sux!!
Why didn't/don't you call to get them to send through a repeat prescription???
Oh Felicia, i'm so sorry to hear that you are in so much pain and really hope it settles down soon! ((pain-free hugs))
You're not stupid at all and I think most of us with a Chronic Pain Condition have run out of meds at one point or another so you're not alone!! I've run out of my meds several times but they never worked for me so I didn't feel any different really; other than when I was getting the horrible withdrawal symptoms (ugh!)
Don't ever be afraid to cry - it is completely natural and it does help being able to get things out and it doesn't make you weak at all!
I hope your Physio appointment goes well and that they are able to offer something to help your pain ... don't under estimate your symptoms either, it's really important that they know how you are feeling so that they are able to help you!!
Thinking about you always and if you need to talk, i'm here for you!
I echo the above and add the obvious: gosh and golly, now won't be likely to be doing THAT again, eh?!
Did the same dang thing and yup, you can be sure I'm ALL OVER the Rx renewals; just in again for two more today!
But you're NOT stupid! Still trying to think like 'normal, healthy' folks - we can manage without some silly pills for a few days, right?!
Um, actually, NO!!!!
Also, if you're giving out A+es for dumb ideas, I might well be on the Honour Roll! Yay, me! Um, wait...
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