I think I am slowly coming out of my funk. Its taking me a few days as I had really wound myself up in that time. Its amazing how much pain flares when you start stressing yourself out with stuff that ultimately doesn't matter...
I think I just needed to get this assignment over with to start to feel better, as soon as I printed it off I felt such a relief. Why do I do this to myself? I had so much time to get that assignment done but there aways seemed to be something even more important to do so it just got forgotten.
A HUGH thank you to Maria for offering to help me! We are on opposite sides of the world but she offered to lend a hand and I was not too proud to accept. She proof read and changed some composition for me so that everything flowed better, and just knowing that someone had gone over it for me helped me calm down enough to complete the rest in reasonable time.
I think I am ready for a break, thank goodness I just have one week left before my week off! I am going home and I cant wait for my little bit of breathing space! (even though I have yet 2 more assignments I have to do in that time, at least I don't have classes as well)
Lets just hope I get through this week relatively quietly without any mishaps or accidents...
5 weeks ago
You're so welcome!!!!!
I'm glad things are slowing down for you now. Vacation is much needed!
Glad to hear you're feeling a bit less stressed.
And you're right, Maria is the bestest. :)
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