Here is the end of an email my physiology tutor sent me tonight...
"PS. You are a courageous woman with evident
determination. Try to focus ONLY on the good days and
moments and let the bad ones pass you by."
I needed that, I want to cry cos I don't deserve it, there are millions of times when I am not courageous when I am not determined, when I don't focus on the good day and moments...and I feel humbled but it gives me regained hope and reminds me what I am here to do. Thank you.
And Jess, always there for me, I msn her and she makes me feel normal and lets me vent over whats happening or cry through whats getting me down and makes me feel all sunshiny again after my rain shower. She is special so much so I have to tell the whole world!
5 weeks ago
Aww shux :-) Any time you need it hun, you've done the same for me to remember!
Nobody can be courageous all the time, anyone who thinks they are is kidding themself. You have had to deal with a great deal of adversity lately, and it will affect you in some ways.
The key is to focus only on what you can control, and remain calm about the rest. You cannot control the glacial speed of our public health system, but you can keep yourself in a positive frame of mind.
Just don't let the weight of the adversity crush your wonderful spirit.
You guys-I can't wait to be home and just round the corner from you!
Hamish, I wish I was my spirit just now, I'm sure that being has hugh muscles that would greatly assist in my practical physio labs lol!
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