First of all I just want to say, despite all the things I am doing, it doesn't mean I am not in pain anymore. I am pushing myself more and more to see (with the help of medications and such) how much I can actually handle without displaying complete stupidity or resulting in weeks of nightmarish pain flare - in case I miss the chance now and never feel capable again.
I don't know what is round the corner, I
don't know if I am going to suddenly get worse and not be able to will myself to do things, so now while I feel like I can will myself to do almost anything I am going to take the chance (I almost feel like the old me is fighting to show through, the me who once was a human canon ball and who took every opportunity to prove people wrong). I think the summer spent in the pool being made to do things that I
didn't think I could handle despite the pain it caused, showed me that I still have some fight in me yet and that I need more confidence - that is why I took the plunge, fought my fear and went to my first ballet class!
It is a very easy going class, a handful of adults who have little or no prior history of ballet. The teacher is young and very kind and
didn't make me feel at all silly having no idea what first position was
lol. Ballet seems to be more about grace, balance and skill rather than speed and rushing about and being a
girly girl it has always been one of my dreams.
don't expect to advance very much, I suspect it will take me all year to remember all the positions and who knows if I will ever coordinate arms with feet but that is not the point. The point is I am giving it a go! My physio was very excited to hear I was wanting to try, she says it will improve my balance and strength and provide a much needed social element to my life...getting away from study is so very important especially when you tend to sacrifice everything for required reading.
After my first class, when I discovered just how easy going it is going to be (
i.e the emphasis is on having fun) the excitement of getting my first pair of ballet shoes started. So on Friday I headed out to find a shop that
didn't look too
foreboding (I felt rather self conscious going to buy my first pair of ballet shoes at almost 24) and went about asking to try some on please.
To be honest, my excitement lasted till I put the shoes on my feet. Now I
don't know if I will be able to will them to actually stay on my feet the duration of the class and some days I know already I wont be able to keep them on but I want to try at least.
The poor lady in the shop...she actually stayed almost a half hour after closing to make sure I left with a pair that I felt I could handle on my feet. The first pair she got me to try were 'perfect' if I was a hardened dancer but were HORRIBLE! how do girls even bear to have these things on their feet and stand up and dance in them????
Suffice to say I did not end up with that pair. In the end I have a pair that hurt to wear but I think I can handle (it didn't matter how many different pairs I tried they all still hurt so I got a slightly roomier pair than the ones that were perfect). In time they will soften to my feet and I think a few extra pain pills before hand will aid in the
tolerance levels.
I'm still excited about dancing, but now I've had reality kick in and tell me just how much a challenge this may turn into.
Doesn't mean I am not going to try, just means I will be a bit more realistic about what I expect my body to do. But the best thing is I am am not afraid to give it a go!