So, the interview was scary, I was so nervous and I could even hear it in my voice!
They asked a specific set of questions and I tried to answer as best as I could, remembering everything that I had gone over in my head beforehand. I wish I didn't have such a shocking memory-I came out and couldn't remember if I even said that physio's need to have good communication skills! I hope that I did say it though. Several times I answered the next question while answering the previous one that they asked, so I hope that is a good sign, I dont know really though.
It was nice to see how everybody got all dressed up for their interviews though-made me wish that we had more occasion to, everybody looked so smart!
I have no idea how the interview went-I am not too sure that I did ok and we do not get told. I will have to wait till I think its the 22nd or 23rd of December to find out if I get offered a place-and that is still dependant on if I pass this semester's exams at the required level which I hope to find out before the end of November.
My second semester exams are now all over and such a relief it is too! I had 4 this semester in 8 days and the last 3 in the space of 4 days so I am so very tired now that they are done, I just hope and pray that I did well enough to still hope for a place in physio school. Realistically I dont expect to get offered a place first round as so many people apply for all of the professional courses available. I am hoping though that when they have chosen their first choices (things like med and dent) that I will then get offered a place on second rounds-all my fingers and toes are crossed!
5 weeks ago